What do you think when you hear the word " energy balance " ? What it really means , at least in the health sector , the art of consumption is exactly the right number of calories to maintain your weight.
You're probably familiar with the balancing act of juggling career , family, friends, community and personal needs . In weight control, " the balancing act " , only so much food and drink as you need to fill the basic functions , activities of daily living, and exercising your body .
The number of calories required for energy balance is very individual and varies from one day to the next depending on the activity . Weighing once a week (or more often ) is the easiest way to determine if you are in energy balance. If you burn more calories than you take , which will probably increase the weight while creating a calorie deficit sends the needle on the dial counterclockwise.
In addition, calorie counting
Counting calories can be labor-intensive , and can take all the fun out of eating. So , instead of fixing on calories , think about Food, Glorious Food ! Selecting foods that are high in fiber, nutrients and liquids supply fewer calories is the secret to cutting calories painless.
Fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains , low-fat dairy products and small portions of lean meat and nuts are the type of food that you can enjoy every day. Unprocessed food (which in its natural form ) are the healthiest options at the supermarket.
If you enjoy eating refined, processed foods, do so in moderation to better control your calorie intake.
Calories and movement
A healthy dose of regular physical activity increases your metabolism in two ways. Every time you move , you burn calories. Exercise also builds muscle, and the more muscle you have , the more calories to maintain your basal metabolic rate ( the number of calories needed for digestion , respiration , circulation and other processes of the body at rest) simply need.
Of course , the energy balance is not the only benefit of regular exercise. This list includes weight loss , muscles and bones stronger , blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels and a healthy heart - not to mention prevention and longer life.
Exercise is a vital part of weight control and good health , but the truth is that, at least for some people , it can also send your excursions appetite. Do not think , fall into the trap that exercise gives you the license to scarf down cheeseburgers and donuts. The trick is to facilitate satisfying your hunger with food that taste good and are low in calories.
It ' also a good idea to stock up before your workout . Go for healthy snacks balanced , lean protein , complex carbohydrates , fiber and / or a small amount of fat (look for whole grains with berries and low -fat milk are half a whole wheat bagel with peanut butter and sliced banana smoothie with low -fat yogurt , fresh fruit and orange juice, or rice and steamed vegetables with cheese sprinkled ) .
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Maybe a skateboard stunt or in a yoga pose -
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